quarl gonna give it to ya.. also pika
quarl gonna give it to ya.. also pika
lmao, I'm trying not to dip into my pikachu sample folder this month :3
beautiful stuff
Lmao, you decided to hit up the original track. Glad you like it Casper :3
The piano is great and the washing machine sounds is as lofi as it gets lmao.
Had to include the ol' spin cycle.
that squeaky duck sfx nearly brought tears down my eyes, so good
iT's A tIcKiNg TiMe BoMb- squeeky- windows error noise
this song reminds me of AIDs for no particular reason
Me too, can't put my finger on it though...
I always tried to break out of my style, not using certain plugins, copying what other artists were doing, add more chaos into my arrangements but what I actually ended up doing is just adding onto my already existing habits and making a style that sounds even closer to "mine" lol. I stopped caring about that though 'cause it only leads to envy and depression so fuck it if I wanna do music I will and If I don't... I won't. Remember though, there's most likely an asian guy that will always do what you're doing, but better.
lmao, I try to find inspiration in most things. What seems normal to us might blow some ten year old's mind and I try to remind myself that I'm doing it all for that kid version of me that thought System of A Down was peak creativity before I realized all their music was WAY over compressed.
On that note about Asians, I've been learning guitar lately and I've been falling in love with Tim Henson. Guy is amazing.
tight stuff
nice melody!
maker of music + world's first trillionaire,
retired jamuary war veteran
popular musician,not
Joined on 9/28/17