very nice <3
very nice <3
vid is private D:
I'm not 100% happy with it but changed visibility settings for you :p
this sounds lovely:)
love ur arps
Used to feel weird about them, my guitar player in highschool was like "why don't you just learn how to play arpeggios?" I'm an adult now and can see that opinion for the bs that it is : )
really nice stuff.
so funky O:
This is really good:)
really nice chill rock. I can see this song playing in some anime lmao
Thanks Casper!
I can definitely see that, especially the mid section 😄
Damn i thought yesterdays song was good but i like this one more
Thank you Casper, my feelies are just Jamuary angst. Your words sooth :p
gotta love dnb, and definitely gotta love vital! I've started using it much more in my music now, incredible synth:3 great song
definitely love vital lmao. i probably use it too much actually since it's basically the only synth i use but i haven't gotten bored of using it yet! glad you liked it :)
maker of music + world's first trillionaire,
retired jamuary war veteran
popular musician,not
Joined on 9/28/17