808 hits hard;)
808 hits hard;)
Thanks :)
Very dark, i like it!
teeeee ^•^
it's me again, and again, and again:3
I see you, there. I see what'cha doing. ;D
Glad you've enjoyed my music so much. Cheers.
нет проблем, я шпионил это от кого-то другого, ха-ха. Иногда очень нужен перерыв!
- no problem, i spied it from someone else haha. Sometimes a break is very much needed!
(Hopefully google translate works)
im still makin music, not uploading though since its for a bigger project:)
We'll see about that.
Congrats on the frontpage:)
very chill lo-fi, nice!
Welp, shout out to you and everyone else! I dont have the energy to write paragraphs anymore lol. I also have 30/31 due to not uploading day 1
It was a pleasure listening to all your work. Very pro sound Casper. I wish you the best in the following months!
very chill song, i love it!
maker of music + world's first trillionaire,
retired jamuary war veteran
popular musician,not
Joined on 9/28/17