love the chops<3
love the chops<3
thanks dude!
hell yeah one song a day for 365 days lets goo, the grind never stops.
nice guitar<3
lol I'm rusty as hell. thanks! 😂
score achieved, sorry not sorry :p
Lol, I guess your not a Rick and Morty fan. The integrity of this neighborhood had been tarnished.
(J/k, I knew someone would pop the metaphorical bubble wrap when I posted the link.)
2 more weeks and 0 ideas D: im committed though, nice song as always;)
Same here actually lol, I usually just noodle on the keyboard until I play something I like then turn that into a song.
Thanks! Hang in there, we're gonna make it! :)
welcome baaack!
back i am! you're too kind!
consider my cochleas soothed:)
That's good to hear, hehe :)
You can keep my family i dunt wunt them. You'll never find me in my cave!
nice song:)
I'm gonna put pretty bows on them and force them to drink tea with me. YOUR FAMILY HAS NEVER KNOWN SO MUCH PAIN.
ur voice sounds great:)
some sub bass would have been nice, but that's just a personal preference, the song's great:)
i like sad, sad makes me go wee
Everyone needs a little sad now and then :D
maker of music + world's first trillionaire,
retired jamuary war veteran
popular musician,not
Joined on 9/28/17